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Over the last few days there have been some dramatic changes in the chapel and rec hall. Bruce and Samuel have been sacrificing their neck muscles and texturing the ceiling of the rec hall – and it looks great!


Right now, it kind of looks like the scene of an alien invasion. But the electricians and heating/cooling guys will take care of that soon.IMG_1818Just for the record, everyone who spent time working in this mechanical closet deserves a brownie. Or a day off. Apparently it’s full of weird angles and tight corners and if only prisoners should have to sand drywall, then only people who torture puppies or fight chickens should have to work in this closet. No one here fits that description.


But these guys (and gals) do what needs to be done. Loma did some work in that closet too. She’s a survivor.


One thing that makes this project feel like it’s really moving towards completion is….. today it was time to paint!!


Wooly Allen came over for the day to help. He basically painted this whole room. (I did half of the first coat, but he did the entire second coat by himself.) Good man.


While Wooly was doing the second coat in the chapel, Loma was doing the cutting-in in the rec hall.


I came along behind her with the roller and did this:


Tomorrow morning, if I get up there early enough, I may get to do this:


Here’s the current view of the rec hall. Athough… there’s no current yet. (haha.) Kentucky Power was supposed to come today to turn on the electric to the building, but, who knows. Something must have short-circuited their plans. Soon, though. We’ll have power soon! On Monday some of our electricians will be back to install fixtures, switches and outlets.


Next up: more wainscoting, doors, trim, staining and sealing the floor… There’s still a lot of work to do before June 1st, but our to-do list is getting shorter and shorter.

We didn’t get any pictures of her painting, but Cat Griffith came over this afternoon to help. We didn’t treat her very well though. We stuck her in closets to paint. Not that she complained. She very graciously agreed to do whatever we asked. Thanks, Cat!


And these girls. What would we do without them around here? They keep this place lively.IMG_1837